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Credo Semiconductor Breaks Through the 50Gb/s NRZ Serial Data Rate Barrier – Deliver The Most Advanced SerDes 


Hong Kong and Milpitas, CA., - April 12, 2014 Credo Semiconductor, aglobal innovation leader in SerDes technology, today announced the industry'sfirst SerDes transceiver that can deliver speeds up to 55Gb/s NRZsignaling.  The SerDes(Serializer-Deserializer) was developed for the next generation 40G/100G/400Gdata center and enterprise networking applications. 


The unique 40nm CMOS design of the Credo SerDes features low jitter,low power, and low latency, as well as advanced TX pre-emphasis equalization,RX CTLE (continuous time linear equalization) and DFE (decision feedbackequalization).  The SerDes has beentested at 50Gb/s across a test channel with more than 30dB loss at Nyquistfrequency, clearly demonstrating that NRZ signaling can be extended well beyondtoday's 28Gbps solutions.


“Credo has achieved an industry-first speed breakthrough that willenable innovative applications ranging from “100Gb/s to 400Gb/s” for the datacenter and enterprise networking markets,” said Bill Brennan, CEO of CredoSemiconductor.  "Credo's advancedSerDes technologies prove the feasibility of extending NRZ signaling, even atdata rates up to 56Gb/s per lane, which is currently under consideration by OIFCEI-56G study group and IEEE 400G study group for next generation board levelchip-to-chip interconnections.  Credo hasquickly established a leadership position in SerDes data rates, and we will addto our position by delivering solutions with compelling power and loss handlingin advanced geometries (28nm & 16nmFF+) in 2014.”


Credo Semiconductor will offer a private demonstration to potentialbusiness partners. Companies interested in learning more about CredoSemiconductor's current silicon, as well as future developments should contact


About CredoSemiconductor

Credo Semiconductor is a provider of high performance mixed-signalintegrated circuits targeting the Data Center and Enterprise Networkingmarkets.  Our SerDes technologies enable optimized solutions for leadingedge speed, power, and signal processing requirements. For more information:




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